Classical Studies

Ages 11 to 15

Semester One
Week 1
Overview of Greek History - examine a timeline going from Minoan Civilization through to the fall of Athens at the end of the Peloponnesian War

Week 2
The great Bronze Age Civilizations (part one) - the Minoans

Week 3
The great Bronze Age Civilizations (part two) - the Mycenaeans

Week 4
Greek Dark Ages: the Trojan War

Week 5
Greek Dark Ages: Homer

Week 6
The rise of the city states (part one): Sparta and Athens

Week 7
The rise of the city states (part two): Sparta and Athens: compare and contrast those two societies and their constitutions

Week 8
Political Reform in Athens: Solon

Week 9
Political Reform in Athens: Cleisthenes

Week 10
Reading excerpts from Aristotle's Constitution of the Athenians (part one)

Week 11
Reading excerpts from Aristotle's Constitution of the Athenians (part two)

Week 12
First Persian War

Week 13
Second Persian War

Week 14
Revision and preparation for presentations

Week 15
End of semester presentations

Semester Two

Week 1
Close reading of Herodotus's accounts of the Persian Wars

Week 2
Excerpts from Aeschylus's play Persae

Week 3
Overview of Classical Athenian Civilization: Art

Week 4
Overview of Classical Athenian Civilization: Architecture

Week 5
Overview of Classical Athenian Civilization: Literature and Philosophy part one

Week 6
Overview of Classical Athenian Civilization: Literature and Philosophy part two

Week 7
The Peloponnesian War part one

Week 8
The Peloponnesian War part two

Week 9
The Peloponnesian War part three: Why did Sparta win the war?

Week 10
Greece's relationship with Rome part one

Week 11
Greece's relationship with Rome part two

Week 12
Greece and Rome: legacy part one

Week 13
Greece and Rome: legacy part two

Week 14
Revision and preparation for presentations

Week 15
End of semester presentations